Wednesday, 10 July 2013


Also birthmark on his fingers showed mild character of the man and his charisma - it is about these people say "soul of the company." Attention: a mole on the left hand predicts a spectacular career, success, wealth and happiness.

Birthmark on her stomach - Birthmark on her stomach and ribs talk about hysterical character, frequent conflicts with humans, even with loved ones. When a man is alone with himself, he begins to feel sorry for you and even more convinced that the whole world is against him.

Moles on the waist - Moles on the waist will talk about motherhood. The abundance of moles in this place or you has one, but a very large impact, promises numerous offspring.

Moles on the back - Moles on the back are often energetic, but often insecure people with poor health.

Moles on other parts of the body - Happiness in family life is promised to the characteristic spot on his right knee, the same birthmark on his hips promise health and good life of children. Energetic talented ladies have a mole on his ankles, fans also travel give a mole on the feet. Moles on the heels signal the serious health problems (mostly internal organs). People who have a mole in this place, often alone, but have greater success in life - mainly through hard work and more stamina. These all myths are just the assumptions but all the above is not totally true.

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