Tuesday, 30 July 2013


Acne no more book - You cannot squeeze acne! The fact is that when squeezing acne inflammation can spread to nearby tissue and instead of a small element will turn a huge plot of trouble. If the acne is located in an area well supplied with blood (a wing of the nose or in the triangle of death between the nose and upper lip), the contents of acne can push in damages blood vessels, which can lead to general blood poisoning.

Acne treatment at home WITH Acne no more pdf: acting correctly - we begin to eat right. This will normalize the metabolism and make your blood more "pure", not your body. To boldly ban products include all types of sweet aerated that offer fast food, fat and preserved. Sharply limit the consumption of sweets, cakes, pastries and biscuits. But lean on fruits, vegetables and plain water.

Acne no more amazon - Do not forget about meat, white bread and fish. To love physical activity, your hated exercise actually makes the blood run up beautifully on the body, including the intensely nourish the skin, which is so important for it to work properly, and thus minimize the risk of new acne."For more info visit these links"

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